For the seemingly interminable wait until Star Wars: The Force Awakens hits theaters, we’re helping pass time by giving you daily challenges related to everyone’s favorite universe. When you complete a task, send us a tweet @WIRED or tag us on Facebook. Got a picture of yourself in action? Post it on Instagram and put @WIRED in the description. Also, make sure to hashtag everything #WIREDStarWarsChallenge. We’ll give shout-outs to the most worthy challengers out there, so prepare for Internet glory!*
Sept. 5, 2015: Day 125/104 days left
Remember those books in the “Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens” series we told you to buy? Yeah, start reading those.
Remember those books in the “Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens” series we told you to buy? Yeah, start reading those.
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