
Did Taiwan fans give Bon Jovi a bad name in China?

A woman walks past a billboard advertising the cancelled Bon Jovi concert in Beijing, on 9 Septemberk

Rocking a Chinese stadium has been Jon Bon Jovi's dream for a long time, but earlier this month Chinese authorities abruptly cancelled the American rock singer's China tour dates, reportedly because he featured the Dalai Lama in previous concerts.
Sources have told the BBC that Taiwanese fans had sent the Chinese authorities pictures of those concerts, showing Bon Jovi singing on stage with images of the Tibetan spiritual leader as the backdrop.
The move, it appears, was part of a concerted campaign aimed at getting Bon Jovi's China tour scuttled so that he could play more shows in Taiwan. Indeed, shortly after Beijing and Shanghai dates were cancelled, he hastily added one more date for Taipei.

Wanted in Taiwan, dead or alive

Fans were apparently inspired by American rock band Maroon 5's experience with China. When Beijing recently cancelled their shows after one band member tweeted "Happy Birthday" to the Dalai Lama, the organiser added a concert in Taipei to recoup losses.

Taiwanese Bon Jovi fans were desperate. The band had scheduled only one concert in Taiwan on its Asia tour and tickets had sold out on the first day.


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